Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cover Reveal | Evertrue by Brodi Ashton

I just saw this cover, and I knew I had to share...

The cover for the final book in the Everneath trilogy.. :D

The covers for this series just get more beautiful as it goes along. I am so excited to have this book in my hands.
To see how this story will end. Given the ending of Everbound ----  this needs to come out like STAT.

Who else agrees?

Expected release date: January 24th, 2014


  1. I love it! I'm so excited but sad that it'll be the end. Not quite ready to leave this world. One of the best mythology retellings in YA. Thanks for posting the cover, it's my first look at it!

    1. I know. That's how I feel.
      Saw the cover posted on twitter, so I was excited to share it. Not many people probably would have seen it yet.

      It's a pretty unique retelling, with a mythology that is so fascinating. I can't get enough.
